The Strategic Plan establishes TCA‘s goals, strategies, and tactics in 3-to-5-year cycles. The Strategic Plan reflects TCA‘s motto, mission, vision, and values. It provides a roadmap to guide the TCA Board and Senate decisions as they allocate resources and prioritize initiatives.
Strategic Directions
- Strengthen the voice of professional counselors
- Support standards that promote high quality and competent professional counselors, supervisors, and educators across all settings
- Advance policies that expand, protect, and provide access to qualified professional counselors regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, immigration status, or marital/partner status
- Offer chapters resources to advocate and build relationships with community leaders
- Provide support to new professionals and members to help them build professional skills and identity
- Establish outreach and response systems to support TCA members and their communities during regional disasters
- Use social media, networking events, and communication tools to promote engagement with TCA
- Provide topical and timely learning opportunities for professional counselors
- Increase collaboration and engagement with counselor education programs, regulatory bodies, and related professional organizations
- Maintain a strong organizational reputation for providing high-quality professional development, education, and awareness of counseling
Equity, Inclusion, & Engagement
- Promote professional development programs on working with diverse populations
- Tailor publications and professional development events to a more diverse group of professional counselors
- Create opportunities for respectful and productive dialogues and collaborations
- Create opportunities for professional counselors to share resources and experiences on diversity and inclusion in counseling
Responsive Leadership and Robust Organizational Structure
- Provide training and resources that improve and enhance leadership skills to support the effective engagement, and success of volunteer leaders across TCA
- Develop a system of encouragement and accountability to create a culture of successful leadership
- Allocate resources to retain a well-qualified, effective, and efficient staff to support operations
- Facilitate and provide resources to support volunteer leadership
- Create opportunities for member engagement in TCA
Our Motto
Professional counselors committed to leadership, advocacy, and the promotion of professional excellence.
Our Mission
TCA leads, educates and advocates to advance the counseling profession, to increase access to professional counselors, and to promote wellness.
Our Vision
TCA is the premier resource for professional counselors to provide accessible, inclusive, ethical, and effective services to strengthen the mental health and well-being of people across Texas.
Our Values
- Accountability
- Advocacy
- Communication
- Professionalism
- Respect
- Unity