Volunteer Opportunities within TCA

Get Engaged. Get connected.

TCA is a volunteer organization. We are driven by Professional Counselors - like YOU! Connect with other Professional Counselors  - seasoned and new.  

Committee Appointments

As part of TCA's process to implement practices, goals and efforts that are guided by its members, we have 9 committees that are open for TCA's members to serve. Each of the committees work throughout the year to hone the focus of TCA's effort to impact positive change and support of professional counselors. Each committee creates the opportunity to engage with your peers and to begin your journey into volunteer leadership. From our Educational Endowment Fund Committee that distributes professional development grants to counselors 3-times per year, to the Public Policy Committee that works with TCA's governing bodies to establish top legislative priorities effecting counselors in Texas. Becoming a committee member will enrich your volunteer experience.

See a full list of TCA committees.

Committee Applications for FY2025 are now closed

Program Reviewers

TCA is one of the premier providers of in-person and online continuing education programs in the state of Texas. TCA holds provider numbers with TSBEPC, TSBMFT, TSBEC, NBCC, TSBSWE. All programs submitted to TCA for co-sponsorship of continuing education hours undergoes a rigorous vetting process to ensure quality and integrity of each program.

If you are a TCA member who is fully licensed or credentialed you can apply to become a program reviewer for the annual TCA conferences. Learn more about the 2025 conferences at Professional Growth Conference (PGC) or Professional School Counselor Conference (PSCC). Links to apply for program reviewer will become available closer to the conference dates.

Conference Volunteers

Volunteer at the next Professional Growth Conference by signing up. Registration will become available closer to the conference date. 

There are many ways to become involved with volunteering in TCA. If signing up to be a part of one of our annual committees seems daunting, we offer smaller volunteer options during our conference events. During each conference we offer the chance to volunteer at registration, on a number of specific conference committees, and as program facilitators. Additionally, graduate students that volunteer for a minimum of 3hrs can receive a $25 gift card to apply towards conference expenses. Becoming a conference volunteer gives you the chance to interact with TCA's officers, board of directors, senators, staff and many more!

You must be registered to attend a conference to volunteer.

Volunteer Opportunities for Disaster Response

Licensees wishing to volunteer their services for future recovery efforts may contact the Texas Disaster Volunteer Registry, The American Red Cross, OneStar Foundation, or their national, state or local associations to inquire about volunteer opportunities.

The Council would also encourage all of its licensees to explore registering with the Texas Disaster Volunteer Registry, the Medical Reserve Corps, or the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals. Advance registration and preparation will not only reduce the administrative burden of verifying volunteers’ identity and credentials during a disaster, but more importantly, it will help ensure your professional skills are brought to bear on those affected by the disaster as quickly as possible.