TCA Capitol Report: April 28, 2023

The Texas House is scheduled to vote Monday on TCA’s highest-priority bill this session, HB 2557, which authorizes Texas to join the Interstate Counseling Compact
Thank you to TCA members who responded to our Thursday Action Alert and contacted your State Representative to support this bill. If you have not done so already, please contact your Representative and ask for their support for HB 2557 on Monday on the House floor.

May 9 Advocacy Day

Please register for our third and final Advocacy Day, which will be May 9. This will be the best opportunity for TCA members to visit with legislators and staff face-to-face before the session ends on May 29 and help push our bills over the finish line.


Other Action Items

We are now in the final month of the legislative session. Not only are more and more bills under consideration, but the House and Senate will soon be considering more bills that originated in the other part of the Capitol.

For most of the session, the House passes House bills (bills that originate in the House) and the Senate passes Senate bills. We are nearing the point in the session where each chamber will start passing each other’s bills and begin to rectify different versions of companion bills. It’s also a time when there is a lot of tension between the leadership of the Senate and the House, which means some otherwise-uncontroversial bills will become collateral damage as the two Republican-controlled chambers posture against one another.

Here’s why this matters for TCA members: Many of our top priority bills have been approved by the House and are now sitting in Senate committees. We need to amplify our advocacy with Senate offices and urge them to move these House bills soon.

You can look up your local State Senator and Representative here.

Please ask your local Texas Senator to:

Please contact members of the Senate Education Committee and ask them to:

Please contact the members of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and ask them to:

Please contact the members of the House Committee on Public Education and ask them to:


Also Happening This Week

In previous versions of the Capitol Report, we have sounded the alarm about two bills that would allow schools to replace their school counselors with chaplains — SB 763 and HB 3614. Thanks to the advocacy of TCA members, these bills would no longer allow chaplains to replace school counselors or perform the duties of school counselors, so we are not actively working against them. Thank you, TCA members, for helping to convince the authors of these bills to make them better.

The Texas House gave approval this week to House Bill 100 by Rep. Ken King. This bill provides a modest increase of 2.3% in the Basic Allotment, which is the state’s core unit of per-student funding for schools, raising it from $6,160 to $6,300 per student. Half of the $140 per pupil funding increase is earmarked for pay raises. It also makes other tweaks to school finance formulas. School districts largely applauded the House for passing the bill but continue to ask for a larger increase in the Basic Allotment. The bill also sets minimum salaries statewide for certified educators including counselors. Details will continue to be worked out as the bill heads to the Senate for its consideration.

Thank you for all you are doing to support  TCA’s Public Policy Priorities  this session.