Graduate Student Representative and Grant Opportunity

Graduate Student Representative and Grant Opportunity

We are looking for a motivated individual who is passionate about the humanistic counseling approaches and also interested in professional service to serve as our graduate student representative. If you are a member of TAHEAD and currently enrolled as a masters or doctoral student, then you are eligible for this exciting position. The graduate student representative would be asked to attend board meetings and serve on some standing committees for the organization, while also learning about the division. The selected representative will receive a $150 grant/scholarship to attend the 2023 TCA professional growth conference or a differing approved professional development opportunity in Texas. 

If you are interested in becoming a graduate student representative for TAHEAD, please email by September 14th, 2023, with a 100-200 word description of your interest in the position and your interests in humanistic counseling, along with your curriculum vitae.

Warm regards, 
TAHEAD Executive Committee