TCA Awards

Nominations now Closed

Presidential Award 

This award honors individuals who have given outstanding service and/or leadership to TCA and/or the counseling profession. Nominations closed 6/1/2024.

Dr. William E. Truax Award

This award recognizes the significant contributions of an individual TCA member who has demonstrated, over a long period of time, a global vision and significant impact on the counseling profession on a national, regional and/or statewide basis. The award is named in memory of Dr. William E. Truax, a "founding father" of TCA. Dr. Truax a was a counselor educator and Dean of the College of Education at East Texas State University. In 1950, he helped establish the TCA constitution and in 1958, he served as TCA President. Dr. Truax remained a significant force in the association for many years, giving freely of his time as TCA Executive Secretary for nearly 25 years. Nominations closed 6/1/2024.

Dr. Jamesanna Kirven Outstanding Counselor Award

This award is presented to an individual in recognition of his/her contributions in one or more areas of professional counseling. The award was renamed in 2005 to the 'Dr. Jamesanna Kirven Outstanding Counseling Award,' in honor of Dr. Jamesanna Kirven, the first Certified Counselor in Texas. Throughout her life, Dr. Kriven was involved in some form of educational activity. One of her greatest accomplishments was bringing the Principles and Theory of Guidance to Texas. Dr. Kirven worked as a Counselor, Supervisor of Secondary Area Counselors, and Supervision Director of Trainees for License in the Division of Mental Health. She also served as a Senator for TCA and was a charter member of seven TCA Divisions. Nominations closed 08/01/24

Molly Gerold Human Rights Award

This award is presented to an individual in recognition of his/her contributions in one or more areas of human rights. The award is named in memory of Molly Gerold, a counselor for the Northeast Independent School District in San Antonio. Molly was an innovator and was the district's counselor for the gifted and talented program. She was a creative, energetic woman who served as the Elementary Vice-President for the Texas School Counselor Association, contributed her poetry to the TCA Journal, and co-authored several articles. Nominations closed 08/01/24

Graduate Student Award

This award is presented to a graduate student in counselor education whose dedication and academic work demonstrate excellence in the theory and practice of some significant area of counseling and exhibits outstanding scholarship. Students may submit nominations on their own behalf or have their work submitted by a colleague or professor. Nominations closed 08/01/24

John Shirley Advocacy Award

The John Shirley Advocacy Award recognizes an individual or community organization for excellence in legislative advocacy efforts. Effective legislative efforts require the tireless energy of individuals dedicated to making a difference for the future of the counseling professional and the communities in which they serve. Only through legislative advocacy can counseling professionals educate the state and governmental leaders regarding the importance of mental health wellness. . Nominations closed 08/01/24

Recognizing the Best in Professional Counseling

Our members work hard for the advancement of professional counseling in Texas. TCA offers several awards to recognize hard work in all aspects of the field. Award winners are recognized annually at our Professional Growth Conference in November.

Awards Archive

Questions? For additional questions regarding the TCA Awards, contact

Research Award

This award is presented to an individual (or individuals) whose in-depth, academic research and work demonstrate excellence in the theory and practice of a significant area of professional counseling. Nominations closed 08/01/24

Professional Writing Award

This award is presented to an individual (or individuals) whose writing demonstrates excellence in a significant area of the counseling profession. Nominations closed 08/01/24

Layperson Exemplary Service Award

This award is presented annually by the Texas Counseling Association to a layperson as recognition of his/her exemplary service in the support and promotion of guidance and counseling in the State of Texas. Nominations closed 08/01/24

Outstanding TCA Chapter Award

This award is presented to a regional Chapter of the Texas Counseling Association in recognition of their exemplary service to their members and in the support and promotion of professional counseling in the State of Texas. Nominations closed 08/01/24. 

Outstanding TCA Division Award

This award is presented to a practice-specific Division of the Texas Counseling Association in recognition of their exemplary service to their members and in the support and promotion of professional counseling in the State of Texas. Nominations closed 08/01/24.