TCA Leadership

The Texas Counseling Association is driven by our members. Our Board of Directors is comprised of TCA members who play an active role in the governance and decision-making of our organization. The complete Board of Directors includes executive officers and 12 Directors who represent each of our 12 divisions and 5 Region Directors who represent our 27 chapters.  The Board meets in November, February, and June.  Below is the TCA Executive Committee for our current fiscal year. The TCA Executive Committee includes the President, President-Elect, Past President, and Secretary.  See our full organizational chart.

TCA Officers (FY2025)

TCA President
Rochelle Cade

TCA President-Elect
Lesley Casarez

TCA Past President
Katherine Bacon

TCA Secretary
Lisa Pearson

TCA Treasurer
Joshua Watson

TCA Parliamentarian
Bernadette Smith